How long do I have to wait for a divorce?
3rd April 2020How long do I have to wait for a divorce?
If you have been married for a year or more then you can apply for a divorce immediately but that does mean that you would have to do so on the basis of your spouse’s adultery or behaviour. While that does not sound very appealing and may cause some argument, we can limit what you have to say about your spouse, and also send them a draft petition before we send it off to make the situation as amicable as possible.
If you have been separate for 2 years or more, then you can apply for a divorce with your spouse’s consent without the need to prove any adultery or behaviour; if your spouse left you 2 years ago or more you can apply on the basis of ‘desertion’ without their consent and also if you have been separated for 5 years or more you can apply for divorce in the same way
In terms of how long the divorce might actually take, it does vary case to case, however it may take around 6 months from start to finish and in some cases longer although in the meantime progress can be made in sorting out finances
Our expert family team will be able to give you an estimate of time once they know more about your case and are happy to help with your divorce. If you would like further advice, please call 01775 722261 to arrange a meeting, or email